Meet Our Pastor

Pastor Mike Rodgers Sr.

Pastor Mike Rodgers was born in Culver City, California in 1953. He grew up in the San Fernando Valley, attending Faith Baptist Church of Canoga Park as well as the Christian school there, graduating in 1971.

After high school graduation he attended Bob Jones University, graduating with a three-year Bible diploma. Woven into this time period and following was a stint in the US Air Force, both regular and reserve.

Not long after settling in Northern California the Lord began a process of growth and vision. Pastor Rodgers had not planned on doing any more than being a lay person in a local church teaching and leading the youth.

He had married Bernadette Formanack (a Christian school teacher and 1976 graduate of BJU) in 1980 and was comfortable working in concrete and attending Walnut Creek Baptist Church (now Cornerstone Baptist).

But when the church started a Christian school, his burden and passion for teaching youth brought him out of construction and into the classroom. The next several years the Lord led to Santa Maria, Hollister, and Castro Valley in teaching and youth work.

Finally, the Lord touched his heart about entering the pastorate, and in the spring of 1991 Pastor Rodgers and family came to the Faith Baptist Tabernacle in North Highlands. He has found the Lord to be so gracious and faithful during this time, bringing through the best of His own to be a part of this precious work. The Lord has continued to do so.

Pastor Rodgers has had the joy of watching former members and converts of the Lord become pastors, missionaries, Christian school teachers, and strong key leaders around the country and the world. It has been God’s work. When coming to FBT, Pastor summarized the vision and passion he has sought to live and make the mission statement of the church:

Seeking to win the lost,

Teaching to change lives,

Equipping the saints for service,

Pressing for the prize!

The seeking and saving of souls, as well as personal growth in a very personal and holy God is still the heart of FBT. Personal and national revival have never been more needed in this land. Pastor Rodgers invites you to live a life invested with eternity in view here at Faith Baptist.

Pastor and Mrs. Rodgers have two wonderful daughters. Their son has been greatly used of God as well, planting a church in Mojave, CA, while attending West Coast Baptist College. He is proving himself to be a great and godly young man for the Savior’s work.

The Rodgers also have 13 precious grandchildren, and they are more than willing to show you their pictures and tell you how wonderful they are as well.

Will You Go to Heaven?

Salvation is a free gift of God. The death of Christ on the cross is the only sufficient payment for our sins. All have sinned, but all can be saved. This salvation is available for any who puts their trust in Christ as Savior and follows Him (Romans 3:23, 6:23; John 3:16).

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